How to succeed on the feed — Part 3: Style



This is a big one for instagram especially, but still just as important on your Facebook page. If you have a distinct style, then stick to it. Consistency is key. You want to make sure that your profile has a purpose. There is a distinct reason for each and every image published. Once again, you have a small timeframe in which people are willing to look at your posts, therefore it needs to be eye-catching, but more importantly identifiable.

Stylistically, creating a consistent colour scheme, composition, border, filter for your posts may help people identify your images within the feed while scrolling, without looking at the profile that posted it. For example, if you were taking photos of a product and it always on a blue background, with the same filter, people would slowly identify this as your calling card.’ This also helps to create an aesthetic or brand identity’ for your business. An excellent example of identifiable content is Maitre Choux. Of course this company creates a visually stunning product that lends itself to being easily identifiable. Yet, the use of composition, always using a white background and highlighting the product, create a simplicity that aids in creating an identity. 

Many profiles on instagram that are very successful post in a rhythm. This means that they are aware of what their profile will look like as a collection of posts, rather than just singular ones. Instagram is programmed in a grid — with 3 photos in each row. A simple example of how to create overall profile aesthetic is to post 3 visually similar images in a row. Hence, creating a series. An excellent example of overall profile awareness is Twenty-Seven Names. They cleverly use the grid layout to their advantage.

Give it a whirl and be creative. 

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