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Specialists In Social Media For Businesses

July 15th '24
Yvonne Avatar

by Yvonne Adams

Fishing for Clients is 10% Inspiration, 90% Perspiration

If a tree falls in the forest and there’s nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound? Getting a potential new client onto your website is only part of the battle. Many users will visit once and then drop off for one reason or another without…

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May 13th '24
Francois Avatar

by Francois Thorne

How to Overcome Facebook Ad Fatigue and Get More Conversions

Remember when Facebook started feeding you ads about things on your to-buy wishlist? At first, we thought this was cool, but quickly our feeds became swamped with ads for similar versions of the same thing. Unfortunately, the end result of this…

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April 15th '24
Yvonne Avatar

by Yvonne Adams

Case Study: Making Shopfitting Sexy.

Ain't no party like a shop-fitting party! Here's looking at you Dimension Shopfitters 😉 With an increasing number of high-end shopfitting gigs around NZ, our mate Nick - aka Head Honcho at Dimension Shopfitters - says (and we're…

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February 5th '24
Ginny McMullen Avatar

by Ginny McMullen

So you want to Increase Organic Reach & Engagement with your Social Media

Increasing Your Organic Reach and Engagement on Social Media. If you feel like you’re not achieving the same level of organic reach or engagement you used to a few years back, it’s because you’re not! Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to execute your…

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Read Our Blog
July 18th '21

Who We've Helped


If you’ve been following our monthly newsletters (which are all available on our website/Facebook page!), you’ll know how effective competitions, videos, and behind-the-scenes content can be. We combined these strategies, along with recipes, healthy…

See How We've Helped
April 17th '21

Who We've Helped

Ponsonby Business Association

Never content to settle, we’re busily strategising how to employ new innovations to the I Love Ponsonby experience, with Facebook Live, a robust slate of local competitions, and Instagram Stories – watch this space!

See How We've Helped
March 13th '21

Who We've Helped

Takeuchi NZ

The Takeuchi team tell us they’ve had multiple enquiries through their 0800number publicised on their social feeds, with those incoming requests beingconverted into sales. They’ve even exhausted their initial shipment and had to hustle to bring in…

See How We've Helped
November 20th '20

Who We've Helped

Paradise Motorcycle Tours

Ride of a lifetime - A Facebook Ads Success StoryPicture rugged coastlines, volcanic mountain ranges and long winding roads leading through lush green valleys; each day being greeted with another postcard-worthy panorama.Our Facebook Ads success…

See How We've Helped
See Who We've Helped
Jef Avatar
August 21st '18

Meet Jef


Easy Social Media wouldn’t exist without its founder, the man who sits on the Iron Throne, our dear leader (he told us to say that…), Jeffrey Kay. Having started over 20 businesses since 1982, ranging from pizza powerhouse Eagle Boys Pizza, to the…

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Sophie Avatar
August 11th '22

Meet Sophie

Content Manager

What would you be if you could be anything (aside from a social media wizardess, obviously!)? I would totally be a Rockstar. What would your superpower be? Teleportation (Mostly because gas is so expensive). Would you rather battle one horse-sized…

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Golnaz Avatar
July 23rd '21

Meet Golnaz

Content Manager

What would you be if you could be anything (aside from a social media wizardess, obviously!)? I CAN be anything - and I'm already what I want to be, but if space/time was to collapse, I'd be a kickboxing world champion which is where I'm currently…

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December 18th '19

Meet Aston

What would you be if you could be anything (aside from a social media wizardess, obviously!)? I would be a stage and set designer. I want to blow people away with creating spaces never seen by the human eye before. Imagine an underwater stage where…

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Alix McClellan Avatar
November 22nd '19

Hemsy meets our Resident Content Queen, Alix

Senior Content Manager & Social Queen

Our longtime mate Chris ​‘Hemsy’ Hemsworth popped in for a cuppa recently and chatted to our resident content Queen, Alix. Here’s a snippet of their conversation.Hemsy: What would you be if you could be anything (aside from a social media wizard,…

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Meet Our Team
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Want to know more about what we do?

Our vision is to become your com­plete social media man­age­ment solu­tion to save you time and dri­ve more cus­tomers to your busi­ness, all for a real­is­tic month­ly fee.
