Ride of a lifetime — A Facebook Ads Success Story

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by Yvonne Adams


Picture rugged coastlines, volcanic mountain ranges and long winding roads leading through lush green valleys; each day being greeted with another postcard-worthy panorama.

Our Facebook Ads success story of the month goes to Paradise MC tours; offering guided and self-guided motorcycle tours to riders who want to experience the stunning landscapes of New Zealand.

Targeting motorcycle riders and travel enthusiasts from the USA, UK, northern Europe and Australia; and taking New Zealand to the USA and Europe for guided tours abroad, our content-driven campaign called for far-reaching geographical targeting combined with specific interest group and behavioural targeting to reach an audience who are both qualified customers (fully licensed motorcycle riders), and active travellers with an interest in the great outdoors, specifically in New Zealand.

What does all this marketing speak actually mean? Feast your eyes on the beautiful post below — as one very excited customer did — who went on to confirm a booking with Paradise MC tours within an hour of this advertisement going live.

We often get asked by customers new to social media Does Facebook Advertising actually work?”
And it’s so easy for us to say yes because we know it does, and we know how to make it work — but even better than us just saying it, we’re stoked to have so many success stories just like this one to share as real-life examples of how fast and effective Facebook Advertising can be.

Pssssst.… want your own Facebook Ads Success Story?

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Want to know more about what we do?

Our vision is to become your com­plete social media man­age­ment solu­tion to save you time and dri­ve more cus­tomers to your busi­ness, all for a real­is­tic month­ly fee.
